This posting is from Adria Horn, the Director of the Bureau of Maine Veteran Services:

On October 25th from 9am to 3pm, I invite you to join us for a deliberate, strategic planning session about ending veteran homelessness in Maine. Most of you are already working on this in various capacities but the Statewide Homeless Council and I have specific directives from the Maine State Legislature to address this issue in a holistic way which includes all those who are and are not part of the Continuums of Care. This is a community effort and I hope you can review the attached bare bones informational briefing to set the stage for our planning session.

All your current efforts are to be inclusively used as part of this greater collaborative and to only give credit where credit is most certainly due.

Please let me know if someone should be invited who is not on this list. Additionally, please let me know if more/better/different information should be included in this briefing. Again, this briefing is just to inform the great planning effort. Craig Freshley from Good Group Decisions will be the Strategic Planning Facilitator for this event.

I look forward to working with all of you on this incredibly important issue.  Please RSVP NLT October 20th.


My best,


Adria Horn


Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services

117 State House Station

Augusta, Maine 04333

Phone: 207-430-6035