The Maine Continuum of Care is a group of service providers who work together in a collaborative planning process to develop programs that address homelessness. Continuums can apply to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for McKinney-Vento funding to support these programs. Local agencies wishing to access these funds must do so through their Continuum’s annual CoC NOFA application process.
The Maine Continuum of Care (MCOC) covers the entire State of Maine and supports projects throughout the region. The MCOC’s mission is to plan and coordinate an inclusive system that helps Maine people avoid or exit quickly from homelessness, and to address the underlying causes of homelessness. Applying for HUD CoC funding is one way to work toward that goal.
The Maine Continuum of Care has open membership for all individuals and/or organizations within the State of Maine that have an interest in, and subscribe to, the mission and policies of the MCOC and who, through their participation, will contribute to MCOC’s ability to carry out its mission. Membership is free and is open to the public.
Each member of the MCOC is a vital link in a collaborative community network, and as such, shares in ideas, concerns and decisions regarding the development, and deployment of resources to address the needs of people who are homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. Organizations that receive CoC or ESG (Emergency Solutions Grant) funding are expected to be members in good standing of their local Continuum of Care in order to continue to be eligible for funding.
MCOC meets the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Notices of meetings, along with the Agenda and other information are posted on this website prior to each meeting. We encourage everyone to subscribe to the site in order to automatic email notifications whenever new information is posted here.