The Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting Tuesday February 11th, 2014 at MaineHousing, 353 Water Street in Augusta, from 9:30 to 2:00.

(a last minute addition – see last link, below)

Below are links to information and materials that will be reviewed at the meeting including the Agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, a one page summary of Maine’s Long Term Stayers Initiative, 2013 Shelter Utilization and Statistic Reports, and information on the Project Based Voucher Pilot effort.


1-14-14 DRAFT SHC Minutes

Long-Term Stayers Initiative Summary 1.29.2014

2013 Shelter Client and Bednight Utilization

2013 Shelter Client and Bednight Data

PBV Pilot Chart

Danforth on High Cost Savings Summary 2.3.14