This is a reminder that the Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2015 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at several Teleconferencing locations. Please see the Agenda for details, including a call-in phone number for those not able to attend via one of the teleconferencing sites.
There are several important items to be voted upon at this meeting. Along with Agenda and Minutes from our last meeting, please review the other materials provided here in order to be prepared to participate in the discussion and decision making process.
FY2015 HUD CoC NOFA Timeline 10-9-15
Proposed Joint CoC Board Officers
Project Review Ranking and Selection Checklist
Scoring Tool for Renewal Projects DRAFT 10-8-15
Scoring Tool for New Projects DRAFT
FINAL Maine’s Written Standards for Coordinated Entry 10-5-15