From Cindy Namer,

Director of Homeless Initiatives at MaineHousing:

Good Afternoon,

As discussed at the various stakeholder meetings, Statewide Homeless and Regional Homeless Councils, MaineHousing will be amending the Homeless Rule and has begun the Rulemaking process. The process will include distributing three separate documents that cover sections of the Rule that we will be amending. The sections will cover;

  1. Eligible Applicants and Emergency Housing Standards
  2. Allocation and Disbursements
  3. Data, Reporting and Monitoring

(Please click on the link, below, for the details)

Homeless Rule Concepts I

We are seeking your feedback and input to the concepts we will be proposing and have established a timeline for release and draft of the new proposed Rule. The first section will be released March 18th; the second section April 10th; and the third section May 8th. We will be drafting the Rule in June and a Public Hearing will soon follow. We are hoping that the final Board approval and acceptance will be completed by the end of October.

The first section for comment is attached and all documents will also be posted on our website as well as the website.

ALL comments and feedback should be directed to       Thank You