The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce that we are accepting New and Renewal Project Applications for the FY2017 Continuum of Care Program Competition.

Any agency that intends to submit an application for either a New or a Renewal Project must read the full NOFA announcement, and any and all additional guidance from HUD in order to be fully informed of the requirements and processes involved. More information can be found at the HUD Exchange website:

For any potential New Project applicants, please be aware that MaineHousing will not be providing “Match” funding for New Construction or Acquisition & Rehab (“Bricks & Mortar”) Projects in conjunction with this year’s Continuum of Care competition. If you wish to develop such a project you must secure Match funding from other sources.

The following materials include a Maine Summary of information related to the NOFA and this competition, Highlights of new information and changes from prior competitions, and copies of the Scoring tools that will be used for New and Renewal Applications. Projects will be ranked according to Score, with Renewal Projects prioritized above New Projects.



