Governor Mills’ response to the opioid epidemic, the 2019 Opioid Summit, will be held July 15th, 2019 at the Augusta Civic Center. The conference theme, “Turning the Tide: Maine’s Path Forward in Addressing the Opioid Crisis” will bring people together to discuss the many challenges those with substance use disorder and in recovery face alongside the opportunities that exist moving forward. Keynoting the Summit will be Sam Quinones journalist and author of the landmark book, Dreamland, and former White House Director of National Drug Control Policy Michael Botticelli. In addition, a panel will address what Maine and neighboring states are doing to respond to the opioid issues as we create unity within our great state. Numerous breakout sessions, each opening by someone in recovery, will be moderated by experts in their fields addressing issues ranging from recovery support strategies to community coalitions and law enforcement’s impact and ability to bring hope to recovery. Specifically, one breakout will be voices of recovery, where individuals will share their stories of challenges and transformation. Another will be a debate around responsible prescribing and if the pendulum has swung too far. Objectives: – To identify mis-information and the associated stigma with OUD/SUD, the role it plays within society and how to become an ally giving hope to recovery and thereby saving lives and reducing crime across the State. – To disseminate information on the innovative evidence-based initiatives and provide an opportunity to respond to the Governor’s opioid strategies as presented in Executive Order 2, issued on Feb. 2, 2019. – To educate and promote acceptance and integration of care and support amongst those with active opioid/substance use disorder (OUD/SUD), patients, families, clinicians, the medical system, judicial systems, government, policy makers, social service administrations, and the public. Monday, July 15, 2019 8:15 AM- 4:30 PM Check-in begins at 7:30 AM Agenda Augusta Civic Center, 76 Community Drive, 04330 $40 Registration Fee Driving Directions Continental Breakfast, Lunch, workshop attendance and continuing education credit included. Various Continuing Education Credits Offered–For more information on credits Law Enforcement may receive contact hours for attending. Sign in is required. AdCare has submitted an application for CME’s Prevention Credits will be offered Please Note: if you arrive late or leave early, you MUST sign out to receive a certificate and AdCare will need to adjust your certificate to reflect time. Certificates will be available at the end of the day, please pick them up at the registration table as a way to confirm your attendance. For More Information and to Register |