The April 19th MCOC Meeting will be entirely devoted to a Training on the Maine Coordinated Entry System!!!

If there are people at your agency who do not ordinarily attend MCOC, but will be working with or have an interest in Maine’s Coordinated Entry System, please share this information with them and encourage them to attend this important training!

If you will be attending at one of the Tandberg Teleconferencing locations, you will be able to see and hear the presentation on the screen and ask questions (please mute your microphone when not asking a question in order to minimize background noise).

For those not able to make it to one of the Tandberg sites, you may join via “Go To Webinar” from your computer, tablet, or smart phone by clicking on the link below. (Save the agenda electronically so you can access the link!) Please note that the Webinar automatically mutes all participants, but you may submit questions and comments using the built in Chat feature, or you may phone the call in only number at the top of the agenda, but again, please mute your line when not talking.

Link to the Webinar:


MCoC Coordinated Entry Training DRAFT PowerPoint