The next Region 1 Homeless Council meeting will be from 1-3pm on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at the City of Portland General Assistance office in the Back Bay conference room – AND via “Go To Webinar”.

This meeting will be primarily devoted to a Coordinated Entry training for ALL of the Regional Homeless Councils.  Please feel free to invite others from your organization who will be involved with Coordinated Entry.  We will have brief state and federal updates at the beginning of the meeting but the rest of the agenda will be the Coordinated Entry training.

For anyone not able to attend in person, the session will be broadcast live via “Go To Webinar”. Please click on the link below to register if you would like to participate remotely:

 CE Triage and Diversion Assessment 4.1818

Coordinated Entry Shelter Eligibility & Referral 4.18.18

MCoC Coordinated Entry Training JG DRAFT