The annual Point in Time Count statistics for the Maine Continuum of Care, Portland Continuum of Care and State of Maine are now available for January 29, 2014.
2014 Point in Time Report Maine CoC2014
Point in Time Report Portland CoC
2014 Point in Time Report State of Maine
Veterans statistics for shelters are available as well:
2013 Maine Shelter Veterans Report
In addition to these reports, there is a report for a new initiative to capture data on people who are unstably housed called the 2014 Maine Unstably Housed Report. The purpose of the report is to identify of people who are at risk of homelessness.
There were some communities that organized grassroots efforts to count individuals and families who met the HUD definition of homelessness and also people who, although they did not meet this definition, were unstably housed (i.e. living in the home of another, facing eviction, etc.).
The participation in the count for the unstably housed was not a requirement, so the absence of data or low counts in some communities does not necessarily indicate that there are no people who are unstably housed in those communities. For various reasons some communities either chose to not participate or lacked the resources to do so, therefore data from this report should be used cautiously.
2014 Maine Unstably Housed Report
Statistics for prior years is available by clicking on the following link: