MaineHousing has some funding available to cover the cost of sending one youth representative to the National Network for Youth Annual Summit in Washington D.C. on March 18th and 19th. The expectation would be that an agency staff member would accompany the youth, although unfortunately we don’t have funding for that. The Summit would be a great opportunity for a youth/young adult interested in advocacy work. It culminates in visits to our congressional representatives on Capitol Hill and the youth would have the opportunity to share their perspective and experience with homelessness.
If we have multiple youth interested in going, we will ask them to write up an explanation of why they want to go and what they would want to accomplish as a result of their participation in the Summit. A special focus would be what they would do with the knowledge/skills gained from the Summit upon their return.
The link to the Summit information is provided below. We would need to have youth ‘applications’ by Friday February 8th in order to get them registered at both the Summit and the hotel. Please contact Lauren Bustard at 626-4613 with any questions or if you know a youth who is interested in going.