This morning, the MCoC meet from 9:00 am-12:00 pm to finalize the MCoC Project Priority Listing for the FY2014 NOFA Competition. The MCoC voted to approve the listing document as well as approve that the Collaborative Applicant submit the listing in e-snaps.
Here is the Project Priority List:
FINAL Ranking and Scoring For MCOC Project Applications 10-20-14
As you are aware, HUD requires that all projects proposed for funding be numbered in priority with number one (#1) being the highest priority (this is the 2nd column on the attached document). Once again, HUD is requiring CoC’s to use a two tired ranking system, which are financial thresholds. Tier 1 is equal to HUD’s approved renewal amount, less 2%. New this year, Tier 2 is the amount between a Coc’s Tier 1 and the CoC’s ARD, plus any approved amounts for COC planning costs. This year, there were 3 projects that were placed in Tier 2 because the ARD, less 2% was not enough to fund all projects in Tier 1. The MCoC struggled with prioritizing the projects because all projects are play a critical role in the MCoC. If you have any questions regarding the ranking process please do not hesitate to contact me.