The MCOC Project Committee is recommending that all members and anyone else interested in this year’s CoC competition register to watch this Webinar. The Project Committee Meeting has been pushed to 1:15 to allow everyone to view the webinar prior to the meeting. Please see below for info on how to register and, below that, info on how to join the MCOC Project Committee via Go To Meeting at 1:15 on Friday Sept 19. All are welcome!
On Friday, Sept. 19, 2014, from 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Eastern, USICH will host a webinar for communities on strategies for continued success in responding to The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Funds in the FY 2013 – FY 2014 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition (FY 2014 CoC Program Funding Notice).Through this competition, HUD will award $1.83 billion in funds for FY 2014. The FY 2014 CoC Program Funding Notice carries forward and continues the policy priorities outlined in combined FY 2013-FY 2014 CoC Program Competition NOFA, which are focused on accelerating progress on Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.
This funding Notice includes a number of new important changes and considerations unique to the FY 2014 funding round. No CoC application is required for this competition; CoCs will only need to include project applications and rankings. In addition, HUD is setting aside approximately $40 million for a funding bonus to create new dedicated permanent supportive housing to serve people experiencing chronic homelessness. Although all CoCs approved in the FY 2014 CoC Registration process may apply, priority will be given to those CoCs that have a high need in relation to chronic homelessness as described in the funding Notice.
Participate in our webinar to learn more about the results of the FY 2013 competition, the unique aspects of the FY 2014 CoC Program funding competition, the permanent supportive housing bonus to serve people experiencing chronic homelessness, and tips for reallocations and prioritization.
Richard Cho, USICH
Lindsay Knotts, USICH
Space is limited. Register now. |
The MCOC Project Committee will begin it’s regular meeting at 1:15, immediately following the HUD broadcast. To Joint the MCOC Project committee meeting remotely:
- Please join my meeting.
- Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (646) 749-3131
Access Code: 197-485-217
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 197-485-217
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