This is to inform you that the MCoC met today and voted to include all project applications as part of the CoC Consolidated Application Submission for the FY2015 HUD Competition. There are no project applications that were rejected in this year’s competition and all projects will be included in the Project Priority Listing submission to HUD.

Below is the Project Priority Listing that was reviewed in the MCoC meeting today with the scores for each project.

FINAL MCoC Project Priority Listin 11-5-15

After discussion in the meeting, it was decided to allow projects to ask questions about their scores before the Project Priority Listing was voted upon. Therefore all project applicants have a chance to review their scoring sheets for their individual project(s) and to ask questions about their scores. The scoring sheets were e-mailed to all project applicants this afternoon.  Any questions should be directed to Steve Ellis at the Frannie Peabody Center by Monday, November 9:00 at 4:00 pm.

At the full MCoC meeting on Thursday, November 12, the MCoC will vote on the attached Project Priority Listing. You are encouraged to attend and participate in this meeting which will run from 1:00-3:00 pm and be held at the various Tanberg Locations outlined in today’s agenda which was posted on  yesterday.