Please be advised that at the full MCoC meeting yesterday, it was decided to change the Steering Committee Meeting on Monday to a full MCoC Meeting so that as a full MCoC, we could continue the work of ranking and tiering the Project Applications for the FY 2014 NOFA Application . The DRAFT document is attached for review and this will be finalized in Monday’s meeting.

DRAFT Ranking and Scoring For MCOC 10-16-14

ALL MCoC members are encouraged to attend this important meeting to continue this important work so that we can complete the project priority listings for the NOFA Application.

This meeting will primarily be a “GoTo” meeting so that we can all see this document as it is being finalized during the meeting.

Here is the GoTo Information for the meeting:

1. Please join my meeting.

2. Join the conference call:
Call in Number: 866-316-1519
Passcode: 9284 295
Meeting ID: 425-772-296

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