This is a reminder that the Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting this Thursday, January 15, 2015 from NOON to 3:00 at several Tandberg locations – including a new connection at the University of Maine Machias. Discussion of Coordinated Assessment will begin at 12:00 noon, followed by the regular meeting. All are encouraged to participate in this discussion.
Please see the agenda for information on other locations. Please note – we will not be using a call-in only option as it generates audio feedback for those on the phone.
Along with the Agenda and Minutes from our last meeting, you will find below a number of documents we will be discussing at the meeting.
Maine CA Next Steps 2014 12 10
PM + ME Graphic v 2 Final 9.16.14
M+E Policies and Procedures Final Draft 9 16 14
M+E Committee Draft Performance Measures 09 11 14
Maine – Documentation Guide and Summary Final 2014.12.12
Renewal project rating tool 2014.11.25DRAFT
New project rating tool 2014.09.11 DRAFT
Maine – Monitoring Threshold Template
CoC Monitoring Form DRAFT 2014 09 16