Please join us for the June Region 1 Continuum of Care and HMIS Peer-to-Peer Learning Call.  The call will be held on June 23rd at 2:00 PM.  The topic of June’s peer-to-peer learning call is Continuum of Care System Performance Measures.  As you may have seen, HUD sent out a System Performances Update on May 8th through the CoC listserv and announced a new resource page on hudexchange –  Various CoCs will discuss the planning activities they have undertaken around system performance as well as the challenges related to preparing for collecting and reporting on the HUD system performance measures.   This is an opportunity to ask questions, share strategies and learn from the other CoCs in Region 1.

You can register for this call using the following link:

Feel free to forward along to other folks in your Continuum that may be interested in participating.