Join the Maine Homeless System Performance Measurement Workgroup for a discussion about the Maine Homeless System of Care at 9:00 AM on Monday, June 16th in Augusta, ME.
The HEARTH Act is requiring local homeless systems of care to change and become more focused on coordinated assessment and referrals, performance based resource allocation, and housing stability. In HEARTH, managing homelessness is no longer acceptable; the goal is to take active and meaningful steps toward preventing and ending homelessness. Achieving this will not be easy, but can be done, as evidenced by Phoenix, AZ and other communities who have achieved ending homelessness for certain homeless populations in their communities.
In Maine, there are a number of efforts occurring simultaneously that are all focused on meeting these expectations, insuring that the Maine Continuums of Care continue to be competitive for funding, and to advance the prevalence of positive outcomes for persons at-risk or experiencing homelessness in Maine.
Of critical importance, the Maine Performance Measurement Workgroup, a joint CoC Maine CoC and Portland CoC workgroup facilitated by HUD Technical Assistance, has spent the past year developing a foundational, client experience-focused structure that supports achievement of HEARTH Act expectations while recognizing the realities of on-the-ground homeless service delivery. On June 9th, the Maine Performance Measurement Workgroup will present this structure and encourages any and all stakeholders to attend, learn, ask questions, and provide feedback.
The two-hour session will provide a brief overview of the HEARTH Act requirements and then will chronicle the process the Performance Measurement Workgroup has undergone over the past year to create a client-centric system of care that better serves individuals and families experiencing homelessness Maine as well as meeting the HEARTH requirements. The Workgroup examined the needs and resources in the State of Maine, reviewed and analyzed the State’s Strategic Plan to End Homelessness, and addresses the need to improve the way that individuals and families access and receive services in both urban and rural areas.
Because the work of the Maine Performance Measurement Workgroup is focused on the client’s experience, it will become the foundation and focal point for many of the elements being developed to meet HEARTH Act requirements and to improve the Maine System of Care – including coordinated assessment, allocation of resources, measurement of performance, and strategic planning.
Overview of Agenda
HEARTH Overview and TA Process
Needs and Resources in Maine
Ideal Client Experience System Map
Stakeholder Feedback
Next Steps
Please join us at this important meeting in order to ensure we are all collaborating to create an effective system of housing and services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the State of Maine.
MEETING DETAILS – 9:00 – 11:00, June 9th,
MaineHousing, Boardroom
353 Water Street
Augusta, Maine 04330
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