Correction – Save the Date: Coordinated Entry Requirements Webinar – March 2017 |
This message is being sent to correct the day of the week of each training. The first webinar will take place on Monday, March 20, 2017 and the third webinar will take place on Tuesday, March 28, 2017.
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is holding a series of webinars for Continuums of Care (CoCs) and recipients of CoC Program and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funding to educate participants about the components of the Notice Establishing Additional Requirements for Continuum of Care Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System. This webinar will connect the dots across all of HUD’s Coordinated Entry requirements and recommendations, help communities understand the requirements, and what steps a community should consider to evaluate and ensure compliance. Participants will be introduced to HUD’s TA materials to aid their compliance efforts, including a checklist of essential elements assessment tool (available on the HUD Exchange). Webinar Dates
PLEASE NOTE: This is strictly a “Save the Date” message. A second announcement will be made in early March when registration is open. Registrants should self-select the session they prefer to attend. Content will not vary across sessions. Who Should Attend?Every CoC must establish or update its coordinated entry process in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 578.7(a)(8) and the Notice by January 23, 2018. Each CoC and each ESG recipient operating within the CoC’s geographic area must also work together to ensure the CoC’s coordinated entry process allows for coordinated screening, assessment and referrals for ESG projects. CoCs throughout the country designing and implementing coordinated entry processes to ensure that their housing crisis response systems end current homelessness for all households and ensure that future homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. Recognizing that CoCs are in various stages of planning and implementation, this webinar is designed to help CoCs understand what is required, how to review their progress to date, and how to begin to identify areas that are completed or need further development. This includes staff and programs working on coordinated entry design and implementation, as well as projects required to participate in coordinated process. Training Point of Contact |