The Maine Continuum of Care
are pleased to announce this
Request for Proposals Process
in response to HUD’s
CoC Builds NOFO Competition
to create
Permanent Supportive Housing Units!
Please note that this is NOT the ‘regular’ Continuum of Care funding Notice. A printable version of this announcement appears below, along with the detailed Program Guide.
This is a unique opportunity from HUD with specific scoring criteria and priorities. The Continuum of Care Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO targets efforts to address and reduce the number of persons experiencing homelessness by creating new units of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) through new construction or acquisition and rehabilitation of existing structures with one-time CoCBuilds awards. PSH is permanent housing in which supportive services are made available to assist individuals with a disability who are experiencing homelessness and families that are experiencing homelessness where at least one household member has a disability.
Each CoC-designated Collaborative Applicant may only submit one CoCBuilds application. However, if a CoC is working with a Tribe or Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) to provide units of PSH on Tribal reservation or trust lands, two applications may be submitted by the Collaborative Applicant; one for the CoC’s geographic area not including Tribal reservation or trust lands, and one where the units will be located on Tribal reservation or trust lands. Each application may involve multiple sub-recipients who would contract to create the new PSH units.
The Maximum Award the Maine Continuum of Care is eligible for is $10,000,000. If we are able to assemble two applications, with one application proposing new PSH units located on Tribal reservation or trust lands, we may request an additional $2,000,000 above the maximum amount. The additional application would not be limited to the $2,000,000 amount.
No more than 20% of each award may be used for other eligible CoC Program activities associated with the PSH projects (e.g., supportive services, operating costs – see Section IV.G.3 of the Builds NOFO), and no more than 10% of an award may be used for project administration.
The Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC) and MaineHousing, as the Collaborative Applicant for MCoC, invite interested eligible agencies, including Indian Tribes & Tribally Designated Housing Entities and agencies that have not previously received MCoC grants, to apply for this funding. HUD is also strongly encouraging collaborations between homeless service providers and Healthcare organizations, and between homeless service providers and Public Housing Agencies.
This notice highlights some important information about the CoCBuilds NOFO but it is not intended to be exhaustive or complete. All applicants should carefully review 24 CFR part 578, the CoCBuilds NOFO announcement, the CoCBuilds NOFO, and related HUD, MCoC, and MaineHousing guidance for additional information.
CoC Builds NOFO Highlights
Funding Opportunity Title: Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-25A
Assistance Listing Number: 14.267
Due Date for Applications: 11/21/2024
Please note: the 11/21/2024 deadline is for the Continuum Level Application – the Project Level Application deadline will be no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 17, 2024 to
allow time for review, scoring and selection prior to the final CoCBuilds submission to HUD.
For the CoCBuilds NOFO each Continuum may only submit one Application (or two, if creating PSH units on Tribal Lands). The Maine CoC Board has approved MaineHousing, as the Collaborative Applicant for the MCoC, to be the Applicant, and to process project proposals from eligible agencies wishing to create PSH units in Maine through this funding opportunity.
MaineHousing is offering matching dollars for development costs for eligible CoC Builds proposals through the accompanying RFP which appears below this announcement. The MaineHousing CoCBuilds RFP outlines the process for potential sub-recipients to submit their proposals for review and evaluation. Any applicant who is not seeking matching funds from MaineHousing must still provide all required information and documentation of alternative match funding for development costs.
MaineHousing will host a virtual “Bidder’s Conference” on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 from 2:30 to 4:00 PM to provide information and answer questions from potential project applicants. Notice of the CoCBuilds Bidder’s Conference and a link to connect/call in will be posted on both and websites.
MCOC will work with MaineHousing to develop Narrative responses to Continuum level questions detailed in the Builds NOFO, incorporating any project specific information that may be required.
Project Application Scoring/Ranking criteria: To ensure consistency and improve our chances of receiving funding through this opportunity, MaineHousing will incorporate scoring criteria from the CoCBuilds NOFO as well as elements of their current Supportive Housing Program Guide when reviewing project proposals and determining eligibility through this RFP process. Any additional guidelines for prioritization or ranking will be posted on the and websites along with any other additional related information.
The CoC Program interim rule and other program resources can be found at the HUD Exchange: Please note that some general information at this site may not apply to the CoCBuilds NOFO. Applicants must read the CoCBuilds NOFO for specific details.
Questions: Applicants that require information and/or technical support from HUD concerning the CoCBuilds NOFO may submit inquiries to ">
For Questions or Information regarding Maine CoC specific requirements: Send questions
to MaineHousing at MCoC meets remotely on the third Thursday of each month from 1:00PM to 3:00PM. Agendas are posted on prior to each meeting, including links to join, minutes, and other important information. Meetings are open and we welcome participation by anyone with an interest in helping us work toward ending and preventing homelessness in Maine.