The Maine Continuum of Care is currently accepting nominations to fill a Tri-Chair position. The MCOC will do their best to maintain equal representation of the three regions (Southern, Central, and Northern) for the tri-chair positions. Currently we are accepting nominations to fill the remainder of the term for the Region 1 Chair. Standard terms are for 3 years, and Chairs may be re-elected. Nominees must be MCOC members in good standing, meaning they are eligible to vote at MCOC meetings. If you are not sure the person you wish to nominate is eligible, please contact Vickey Rand or Awa Conteh to confirm their status. Also, please confirm with the person you wish to nominate that they are willing and able to commit to the time and energy required of this role (Full MCOC meetings, Board meetings, NOFA Committee, etc.). Please email the nominee’s name, agency, and contact information to Vickey or Awa.