The Maine Continuum of Care is accepting nominations for one of our three Tri-Chair positions. This is an annual process, with each Chair serving a three year term of office. If you wish to nominate someone, please check with them first to be sure they are willing and able to serve. Please send your nominations to me at . The deadline for nominations is Thursday, December 12th, by 5:00 PM.
More information about the MCOC election process can be found in Article 6 of our Governance:
Article 6. Officers & Elections:
MCOC will have three Chairs, who will each serve for a three-year term.
Chairs shall be responsible for planning and conducting MCOC meetings.
Any Chair may act as the designated signatory for MCOC correspondence.
Chairs must be members of eligible voting organizations.
One new Chair shall be nominated and elected by MCOC on an annual basis. Notifications for upcoming nominations shall occur in November. Nominations for a new Chair will be taken prior to and at the December MCOC meeting. Should there be more than one nominee, each nominee will submit a brief bio summarizing their background, capacity, and interest in being Chair. Bios will be posted, with the formal announcement for open voting. Elections shall be held at the January meeting. The new Chair will begin serving upon election.
Term of Office shall be three years. There is no limit on terms, but all Chairs must be re-nominated and re-elected to serve another term once their initial term has expired.
Chairs may resign in writing during their term and shall, to the best of their ability, give at least a one-month notice of such resignation. Any vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term by nomination and election at the next regular meeting.