It’s that time of year again, the time to submit data for the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR). Because of the NOFA, we had submitted a request to ABT Associates to extend the submission deadline, but unfortunately we were not successful. We had consulted with the CoC chairs about holding off on messaging during the application stage of the NOFA, and they concurred that asking folks to look at their data quality for AHAR purposes in October was not a great idea.

Draft AHAR data is due December 2nd. I apologize for the somewhat short notice, but it is critical to our submission that folks take a look at the AHAR Data Quality Report in ART and make any corrections possible to missing data. It is also important that the PIT counts that show on the summary page of the report are verified so that when the data is aggregated, we can be certain that we are providing accurate counts to HUD on behalf of the CoC.

To run the AHAR Data Quality Report, please go to the Public Folder in ART into the AHAR folder. The dates are hard coded so all you need to do is select your program(s) and run the report.

Please run the report for all of your housing programs and confirm your data to me by no later than November 30, so that I can meet the December 2nd deadline for draft data. We will have an opportunity to finalize data after the 2nd, but if we can get the data submitted and reviewed by the 2nd, that will position us to submit ahead of the 12/23 final data submission.

Thank you in advance for your work on this. The CoCs were able to successfully submit data in all 12 reporting shells for the AHAR last year, which was a scoring category on this year’s NOFA, so future success will be essential to ensure the CoC can get access to all available points relating to the AHAR.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




Megan Spencer
Homeless Information Resource Coordinator
Maine State Housing Authority
353 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 624-5783
Fax: 624-5768