The Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting this Thursday, April 18, 2019 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. We are trying something new this month!!! We will be using GoToMeeting for our remote connectivity.
Since this is our first time using GoTo Meeting, please try to attend at one of the group sites listed below (NOT the usual library locations):

–  MaineHousing, 353 Water St, Augusta

–  New Beginnings, 134 College Street, Lewiston

–  Shalom House, 106 Gilman Street, Portland

–  PCHC Admin Building, 103 Maine Ave, Bangor

For those unable to attend at a designated group site, you can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone via this link :

To join by phone, call-in only, dial:  +1 (646) 749-3122  and when prompted enter Access Code: 352-415-877 (Please use either your phone or your computer audio to connect – do not use both, and do not put us on hold!)