This is the regular annual CoC competition, separate from the recently announced “Supplemental” NOFO – these two application processes are running concurrently.
The Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC) invites interested eligible agencies, including agencies that have not previously received CoC grants, to apply for funding to create housing and related services for those experiencing homelessness in Maine.
This summary provides highlights of some of the important information in the FY 2022 CoC NOFO, but it is not intended to be exhaustive or complete. All potential applicants must read the full NOFO and all HUD and esnaps guidance for additional details.
Program Office: Community Planning and Development
Funding Opportunity Title: Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition and Noncompetitive Award of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Renewal and Replacement Grants
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6600-N-25
Assistance Listing Number: 14.267
Application Due Date: (for the CoC Level Application submission to HUD) Sept. 30, 2022
All Maine Continuum of Care New and Renewal Project Applications must be submitted in esnaps no later than 5:00 PM August 31, 2022 to allow time for review, scoring & ranking.
The full NOFO announcement is available at: opportunity.html?oppId=342855&utm_source=HUD+Exchange+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=22010e6484-CoC-FY22-Program-Competition-08.03.22&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f32b935a5f-22010e6484-19245569
Additional resources will be available on the CoC Program Competition page and the HUD Exchange e-snaps Resources page. Please be sure you are following 2022 guidance – some of which has not yet been posted by HUD. Applicants are required to complete and submit their applicationsvia esnaps. More information about esnaps, including detailed instructions and guidance will be posted on the e-snaps page.
Available Funds: HUD is again using the Tier 1, Tier 2 funding methodology. For 2022 Tier 1 is equal to 95% of the Annual Renewal Demand (ARD). For Maine, our 2022 total ARD is $16,852,496 making our total Tier 1 amount $16,009,871. Our Tier 2 amount is the difference between the Tier 1 amount and the CoC’s total ARD: $842,625 plus a 5% CoC Bonus for one or more eligible New Projects that meet the project eligibility and threshold requirements established by HUD in the NOFO, and a DV Bonus for qualifying projects (and Planning Grant funding of $505,575 but only the Collaborative Applicant may apply for Planning Grant funds).
2022 MCoC CoC Bonus funding: up to $842,625
2022 MCoC DV Bonus Funding: up to $621,273
Eligible Project Applicants: Eligibility information is described in Section V. of the NOFO.
Eligible Costs: 24 CFR 578.37 through 578.63 and section 423(a)(13) of the rules of 42 USC
11383(a)(13) identify the eligible costs for which funding may be requested under the CoC
Program. Costs for renewing eligible YHDP renewal projects are eligible costs and may be
requested under this NOFO. For YHDP replacement projects eligible costs under the CoC
program, including section 423(a)(13) of the Act (42 USC 11383(a)(13), and costs for
eligible YHDP replacement activities described in V.B.4.a.(5) may be requested under this
NOFO. HUD will reject any requests for ineligible costs, except as otherwise provided in this
Local Competition Deadlines: HUD REQUIRES that all Project Applications be submitted to the local CoC no later than 30 days before the CoC Application deadline of September 30, 2022. The CoC must notify all Project Applicants no later than 15 days before the final FY 2022 CoC Application deadline whether their Project Applications will be accepted and ranked, rejected, or reduced as part of the CoC Consolidated Application submission.
For Maine: All project applications (both new and renewal) must be submitted in esnaps no later than 5:00 PM August 31, 2022. Applicants will be notified of the MCoC Scoring and Ranking results no later than September 15, 2022.
Please note that MCoC is requiring each Applicant, both New and Renewal, to also submit Match Funding letters documenting commitments from other entities. These additional documents are not part of the esnaps application and must be emailed separately to
MCoC Request for Renewal Project Applications: Renewal Projects will be reviewed based on annual Monitoring results and any new information found in their 2022 Renewal Application.
While the Application is not required to be submitted in esnaps until August 31, 2022, MCoC requests that each Renewal Applicant provide the following information to for each eligible Renewal Project listed under their agency on the 2022 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) found at:, no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday August 11, 2022:
- Does your agency intend to Renew the Grant(s)?
- If NO, will the funds be available for Reallocation?
- Does your agency intend to Expand the Grant(s)?
- If yes, please see the New Project section, below.
- Does your agency intend to Transition the Grant(s)?
- If yes, please see New Project section, below.
- Does your agency intend to Consolidate 2 or more Grants?
- If yes, please indicate which Grants.
For YHDP Renewal and /or Replacement Applications – Both HUD and MCoC have decided that YHDP Renewals will be funded without/regardless of scoring and ranking results – but agencies MUST STILL SUBMIT RENEWAL APPLICATIONS for these projects and follow all other rules and deadlines. Read the NOFO for details!
MCoC Request for New Project Applications, Expansion Applications, and Transition Applications: New, Expansion, and Transition Project proposals will be reviewed based primarily on their 2022 Project Applications. In order to better plan and coordinate resources, MCoC requests that all agencies intending to submit a New, Expansion, or Transition Project Application provide the following information to for each Project, no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday August 11, 2022:
1. Description of the proposed new/expansion/transition activities, services, staffing or capacity. Please include specific figures of current and proposed eligible activities.
2. Description of the community’s need for the proposed activities.
3. Description of the target population to be served.
4. If your agency has never been awarded CoC funding previously, a description of your agency’s understanding of or experience with the population you are proposing to serve.
5. If the proposal includes development of new housing, describe the type, size, number, and location(s) of the housing units.
HUD’s Homeless Policy Priorities
- Ending homelessness for all persons.
- Use a Housing First approach.
- Reducing Unsheltered Homelessness.
- Improving System Performance.
- Partnering with Housing, Health, and Service Agencies.
- Racial Equity.
- Improving Assistance to LGBTQ+ Individuals.
- Persons with Lived Experience.
- Increasing Affordable Housing Supply.
Please see Section II. A. of the NOFO for detailed descriptions of each of these Policy Priorities, and Section II. B. for important information that all applicants should consider regarding CoC Program Implementation.
Training and Resources: The CoC Program rule can be found here:
Training materials, detailed instructions, and program resources will available here: and
Again – Please be sure you are following 2022 guidance.
Project Application Scoring/Ranking criteria:
Please refer to the “MCoC FY22 Scoring Criteria and Ranking Procedures” documents which will be posted on the website as soon as they are finalized and approved.
Additional information related to MCoC in general and this NOFO competition in particular will be posted on the website. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to subscribe to this site in order to receive automatic notifications whenever new information is posted there.
The HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ). HUD Exchange AAQ is accessible 24 hours each day at for questions regarding regulatory or programmatic requirements, or access to/functionality of esnaps. Always check the FAQ list first to see if your question has already been addressed.
HUD Homeless Assistance Mailing List: If you have not already done so, we encourage you to subscribe to relevant HUD Mailing Lists by visiting:
For Further Information: Questions regarding Maine CoC specific requirements should be directed to MaineHousing at . This notice and other MCoC related information will be posted on the website. MCoC encourages all interested parties to subscribe to this site to receive notices of any new posts.
MCoC meets regularly on the third Thursday of each month from 1:00PM to 3:00PM via teleconferencing. Please see the Agendas posted on prior to each meeting for more details. Meetings are open and we welcome participation by anyone with an interest in helping us work toward ending and preventing homelessness in the state of Maine. MCoC also includes a number of committees that focus on particular aspects of the work we do. These include the Project Committee, HMIS & Data Committee, Resource Committee, Youth Action Board, Homeless Veteran’s Action Committee, and many others. If you have an interest in a specific topic or population, please consider joining a committee, even if you are not able to attend the full MCoC meetings.