
For Recipients in the Boston Field Office Area

Training Option 1: December 6, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Boston HUD Field Office, Boston, MA

Training Option 2: December 13, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Fred H. Brown Building, Concord, NH

This 1-day training is intended for recipients and subrecipients of Fiscal Year 2015 Continuum of Care Program funds. It provides a chance to learn about program requirements and new rules, find out where to find answers to questions that come up during grant implementation, and get guidance and helpful hints on how to implement your project well.

CoC Program Startup Training for FY2015 Grants will be a full-day training focused on issues relevant to all grants. The approach is to offer consistent information on a range of important topics, show participants how to find more information on the HUD Exchange and HUD-published resources or Frequently Asked Questions, practice implementing complicated topics using tools and case scenarios together, and providing written materials for future reference.

Topics will be customized by field office. Examples of available topics include:
 Program Components and Eligible Costs
 Match
 Eligible Program Participants – Homeless, Disability and Chronic Homeless Status
 Rent Reasonableness and FMR
 Leasing Costs & Requirements
 Rental Assistance Costs & Requirements
 Property Requirements
 Project Changes and Timeliness Standards
 Recordkeeping Requirements
 Monitoring and Compliance
 Other Program Requirements
 Equal Access Rule
 HUD Priorities, such as System Performance Measurement, HMIS, and Coordinated Entry

Recipients and subrecipients of new or renewal CoC Program funds are encouraged to attend this training. The training will be most relevant to those agency staff directly involved with the administration and day-to-day operation of the grant, the financial staff, and those who help develop reports and program policies.
Please note that submitting a registration request does not guarantee you a seat at the training. You will receive a confirmation email if you are accepted into the training. Do not make nonrefundable or non-cancellable travel arrangements prior to receiving official confirmation that your registration has been approved.

The training is free, but registration is required. To register, visit the training page on the HUD Exchange, located here:

Boston: https://www.hudexchange.info/training-events/courses/coc-start-up-training-for-fy2015-grants/1722

Concord: https://www.hudexchange.info/training-events/courses/coc-start-up-training-for-fy2015-grants/1723

You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. If you do not have an account, you should create a new one here.

If you have questions about registration, please contact us at .

This training is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact us if you have any special needs or questions prior to the session so that we can do our best to accommodate you.

This training is brought to you by the Office of Community Planning and Development at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.