Please see the message below from Cullen Ryan regarding revisions to Maine’s Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness:

Attached is the latest version of Maine’s Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness for final circulation to the RIHC, RIIHC, RIIIHC, MCoC, and ESAC.  This is the revised version draft, which is close to being finalized.  Input and feedback is still being sought and incorporated through Friday afternoon 6/9.  Proposed amendments will have been reviewed in all three Regional Homeless Councils by then, and briefly discussed at the MCoC and ESAC.  It was circulated and posted on the Maine Homeless Planning website three weeks ago.  Feedback received since then has been incorporated into this version.

In general, the amended version largely streamlines and simplifies the earlier version by combining all of the populations under the same four goals, shortens the document’s length by some six pages, makes the objectives present tense vision statements and the strategies future tense action statements, improves the population visual charts to make the flow of activity more apparent and so each could stand on its own as a picture of what we need to do, incorporates color schemes for different populations, and updates language (such as Substance Use Disorder instead of Substance Abuse).  Aside from this, the content is left pretty much intact.

Any comments can be emailed directly to me for incorporation (Email:  ).  The hope is that the SHC will adopt the amended version of the Plan at its meeting on 6/13.  Thank you.  Cullen

SHC 6.5.17 Maine-Plan-to-End-and-Prevent-Homelessness

Cullen Ryan, Executive Director

Community Housing of Maine

One City Center, 4th Floor

Portland, Maine 04101


207-879-0348 (fax)

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