The Continuum of Care Leadership Board of Directors has accepted the following language to be included in the NOFA regarding Coordinated Entry:
Explain how the CoC’s coordinated entry process is designed to identify, engage, and assist homeless individuals and families that will ensure those who request or need assistance are connected to proper housing and services.
Maine’s Coordinated Entry System (CES) written standards establishes that persons experiencing homelessness will have access to assistance no matter where/how they present & assistance will be allocated as effectively as possible. The Maine CES is designed to be easy on the client, provide quick & seamless entry into the homelessness services, refer clients to the most appropriate resources, prevent duplication of services, & reduce the overall length of homelessness. An evaluation tool gathers client data & prioritizes them for housing and services based upon HUD and local priorities, including vulnerability & length of time homeless. The tool is web-based & will be available to 2-1-1, VA, existing street outreach programs, & private/ public agencies for referrals. Clients will be connected to a comprehensive network of service providers to help them find successful housing placement & appropriate services.