MaineHousing is pleased to announce that we have contracted with Dean Klein to serve as the new Executive Director of the MCoC.  He was selected by a committee comprised of three representatives from the MCoC along with representatives from DHHS and MaineHousing.  Dean brings a wealth of relevant experience to the position, including overseeing the creation of the Fairfax County, Virginia Office to Prevent and End Homelessness and serving as its Director for over ten years.  During that time Dean led the Continuum of Care and implemented their 10-year Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness, which engaged all County Human Service agencies and nonprofits, as well as the Faith and Business communities.  During his tenure homelessness was reduced by 50% within the county, where the population is roughly the size of Maine’s.  Dean was also responsible for bringing in a significant amount of new funding to the CoC. He has solid experience in the implementation of Coordinated Entry and the Point In Time (PIT) Count, as well as optimization of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Since moving to Maine in 2023, Dean has served as a consultant to the Department of Health and Human Services around General Assistance reform and the Housing First Initiative.  He is currently working with Preble Street as the Strategic Sustainability Project Manager, helping to implement the upcoming 2024 Homelessness Conference.  Dean will be starting his work with the MCoC on October 28, and will initially focus on working with members to finalize and implement the new model of structure and governance.