Reminder: PIT/HIC Forms Due Tomorrow

This is a reminder that all HMIS PIT Certifications, HIC Forms, Unsheltered Point-in-Time count forms and Non-HMIS Participating Point-in-Time forms are due to MaineHousing tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10th. Forms without identifying information can be sent by email or fax. Forms with identifying information can be submitted by mail, fax, or in person to: Email: Continue reading Reminder: PIT/HIC Forms Due Tomorrow

2016 PIT and HIC Trainings

The following webinars have been scheduled for the 2016 Point-in-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC): 2016 PIT Unsheltered Count Webinars (the two sessions will cover the same material) Thursday, January 14 - 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 20 - 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. This webinar will cover general information on the Unsheltered/Street Count … Continue reading 2016 PIT and HIC Trainings

2016 Point-in-Time Data Collection Forms

The annual Point-in-Time Survey takes place in late January each year. This year, the Maine Continuum of Care and the Portland Continuum of Care, with support from MaineHousing as the Collaborative Applicant and HMIS Lead Agency, will be conducting the Point-in-Time on the night of Wednesday, January 27th, 2016. For the 2016 PIT count, data … Continue reading 2016 Point-in-Time Data Collection Forms

Point-in-Time Update – Important

This is an update on the Maine Balance of State Point-in-Time count, which is scheduled to take place tonight - January 28, 2015. For the Maine Balance of State CoC, the PIT count and Housing Inventory process will remain scheduled for today/tonight, January 28th, 2015. Because the storm has presented some challenges, we understand that … Continue reading Point-in-Time Update – Important

Point-in-Time Unsheltered Count Training Video and Webinars

A training video on data collection for the Unsheltered portion of the Point-in-Time (PIT) has been posted at the following link: In addition, two Webinars have been scheduled with the same focus (Unsheltered portion of the PIT count). They are scheduled for the following times. Click on the link below to register. Attendees only … Continue reading Point-in-Time Unsheltered Count Training Video and Webinars

2015 Point-in-Time Forms

The annual Point-in-Time Survey takes place in late January each year. This year, the Maine Continuum of Care and the Portland Continuum of Care, with support from MaineHousing, will be conducting the Point-in-Time on the night of January 28th, 2015. Outreach is a critical component of the Point-in-Time. We depend upon local efforts to organize … Continue reading 2015 Point-in-Time Forms