This is an update on the Maine Balance of State Point-in-Time count, which is scheduled to take place tonight – January 28, 2015.
For the Maine Balance of State CoC, the PIT count and Housing Inventory process will remain scheduled for today/tonight, January 28th, 2015. Because the storm has presented some challenges, we understand that outreach groups may need to make slight adjustments in their outreach plans and efforts to count. With these adjustments, the emphasis should be on validating and verifying that those counted meet the definition of literally homeless. Please use your best judgment and be safe during the outreach count.
The PIT and HIC process for shelter and transitional providers in the Balance of State CoC will also remain scheduled for tonight. The certification reports in HMIS for both the PIT and the HIC should be run to reflect what was true on the 28th, and should be submitted by 2/12/2015 as previously planned.
Due to the storm, the Portland CoC has been approved by HUD to postpone their Point-in-Time Count until Wednesday, February 4, 2015. This means that for those outreach groups and providers in the Portland CoC, both the unsheltered and the sheltered count will take place on Wednesday, February 4th, 2015. For those providers in the Portland CoC who participate in the HMIS, the Point-in-Time certification reports and the Housing Inventory form should be submitted to reflect what is true on the night of 2/4/2015. We will extend the due date for the forms and certifications to 2/19/2015, but would greatly appreciate any efforts to get them into us by the previously scheduled date of 2/12/2015. If you have any questions about the Portland PIT extension, contact Rob Parritt.
Thank you all for your efforts.