The 2017 Point-In-Time Count is rapidly approaching!
The following training video covers data collection for the 2017 Point-in-Time Unsheltered Count. It is recommended that you have the PIT Count forms available to view during the presentation.
These PowerPoints will cover general information on the Unsheltered/Street Count portion of the Point-in-Time and the data collection process for the 2017 PIT Unsheltered Count. These PowerPoint are for outreach groups and volunteers who will be assisting in the 2017 unsheltered count.
2017 Unsheltered PIT Count Training – Forms
PIT Count 2017 Training Presentation Updated
Here are links to the approved Survey Forms for the Unsheltered Count on the night of the PIT, Unsheltered Count on subsequent nights, a form specifically for Youth, and a form for facility based programs that do not participate in HMIS.
The PowerPoints for the 2017 HIC can be downloaded here:
2017 Housing Inventory Count – Powerpoint
2017 Housing Inventory Certification Guide
2017 Housing Inventory Chart Update form v1-52
If you have any questions, please contact the HMIS Help Desk.