Maine Continuum of Care & Portland Continuum of Care Present

Understanding General Assistance

Guest Speakers:

Ellen Moore, Maine DHHS General Assistance Field Examiner


David MacLean, Social Services Division Director, City of Portland

Wednesday, July 13th, 10-12

City of Portland Building, 196 Lancaster Street

This will be a combination general overview of state policies regarding General Assistance with specifics regarding the City of Portland’s General Assistance Program followed by a question and answer session

  • Is there a difference between state policies and local rules / practices?
  • What documentation is needed to apply and qualify for General Assistance?
  • What are the rules / expectations of General Assistance once a person is approved?
  • What are the expectations of the cities / towns in terms of budgeting for General Assistance?
  • What are the requirements of cities / towns to be available and respond to requests in a timely manner?
  • Is there an appeal process?

Who Would Benefit from Attending?

  • Case Managers
  • Direct Service Staff
  • Landlords
  • Housing Programs

Please RSVP your attendance by July 8th or direct any questions to either Aaron Geyer at or Steve Ellis at              

Sponsored by the Maine CoC Resource Committee, Portland CoC Resource Committee, and the City of Portland