The mission of the Maine Continuum of Care (MCOC) is to plan and coordinate an inclusive system that helps Maine people avoid or exit quickly from homelessness, and to address the underlying causes of homelessness. MCOC promotes comprehensive and coordinated approaches to housing while making sure that our programs assist participants in maximizing access to community resources. MCOC supports a system of intervention, assessment, referral, direct care and aftercare for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

MCOC develops and manages the annual Continuum of Care (CoC) application process for federal McKinney-Vento funding from HUD. To accomplish this, MCOC collaborates with community stakeholders regarding continuum-specific goals related to ending and preventing homelessness. MCOC develops and supports public policy to assist people who are homeless and advocates for systems change as well as necessary funding at the state and federal level to develop needed housing and services for people who are homeless in Maine.

MCOC has open membership for all individuals and/or organizations within the state that have an interest in and subscribe to the mission and policies of MCOC and who, through their participation, will contribute to MCOC’s ability to carry out its mission. Each member of MCOC is a vital link in a collaborative community network and, as such, shares in ideas, concerns and decisions regarding the development and deployment of resources to address the needs of people who are homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless.

There is no membership fee to participate in MCOC, and we actively encourage participation from all parts of the state by providing video and teleconferencing connections for our regular monthly meetings. MCOC meetings are typically held the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Participating individuals or organization are eligible to vote once they have attended at least 50% of meetings in the previous 12 months. One vote is recorded for each agency.

For more information about the Maine Continuum of Care and other efforts to address homelessness in Maine please visit and subscribe to or contact  Scott Tibbitts, Continuum of Care Coordinator, at or one of the MCOC Chairs: Vickey Rand at ; Awa Conteh at ; or Rob Parritt at