This year’s MCOC NOFO Application is about 98% complete! We are just waiting on a couple of items that folks are still working on, and there are a couple of other things we cannot do until the very end (like screenshot a post of the Final, Approved, Application).
We are going to put this to a vote at the MCOC meeting on Thursday – to approve what has been done so far (which is a lot!) and authorize the NOFO Committee to make any remaining edits, additions or adjustments, (which we hope are minor) and submit the Application to HUD before the Sept. 28, 2023 deadline.
Please keep in mind, we will not have time to go over this entire document in great detail at the meeting. Also, given the impending deadline, and the extremely limited space allowed for Narrative answers, we will not be able to add much more without deleting something that is already there. That being said, if you see something that really needs fixing, please bring it to our attention at the meeting – or by email – and we will see what we can do about it.