The Maine Continuum of Care has received some requests for letters of support for FYSB/RHYA Grant Applications which are due in the coming days. We realize there may be other agencies applying as well, and we want to be fair and supportive of all. As such, we would like to publicly invite any partner agencies … Continue reading MCOC Letters of Support for FYSB/RHYA Applicants
FYI (Foster Youth Independence) HUD Webinar
Please see the attached flyer for more information about this event: Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020Time: 11 a.m. to noonRegister by May 26, a separate email with instructions to join the webinar will be sent prior to the event. Invitation-FYI-Webinar-May-28-2020Download
Last Push for Volunteers: Point in Time Count
The annual homeless Point in Time Count is just two weeks away! Local community leaders are scheduling training meetings on the forms and process for this years count. If you want to help, reach out as soon as possible! WHAT: Annually, on one night in January, there is a count of a homeless people throughout … Continue reading Last Push for Volunteers: Point in Time Count
Ending Youth Homelessness in Maine Strategic Planning Forum
Hello Everyone, On May 12th from 12:30-4:30PM, The Office of Child and Family Services and MaineHousing invite you to participate in an independently facilitated deliberate, Strategic Planning Forum about Ending Youth Homelessness in Maine. As there are many people working on this mission in various capacities across Maine, we look forward to bringing everyone together … Continue reading Ending Youth Homelessness in Maine Strategic Planning Forum