If have not yet completed your renewal application for the Maine CoC NOFA application, this is a reminder that it is due by 5:00 pm today. Here is a listing of the 22 projects that have been submitted as of 12:00 pm today:
City of Bangor: PRA Northside, TRA Consolidated 8714, 8715, 8715
OHI Chalila Apartments
Maine HMIS
Maine Planning Grant
YCS Smith Transitional, Within, and Brand New Day
KBH Mid Maine Supported Housing
Millbridge Harbor
Tedford 19 Pleasant St.
Maine 1-13, 2-13, SB SH 13, Penobscot 1-13, SB YCS 13
CHOM Permanent Housing for Homeless Veterans
Shaw House: Tenant Education, Waterworks, Outreach