The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce that it will be accepting New and Renewal Project Applications in response to HUD’s FY2018 Continuum of Care Program Competition NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability), released on June 20, 2018.

MCOC was able to bring $12,306,167 to Maine through last year’s application. This funding supports projects throughout the state that provide housing and related services to those in our communities who have experienced homelessness.

This year, MCOC will have access to nearly $14 million dollars for New and Renewal Project applications, including $574,912 for qualifying Domestic Violence Bonus projects and $738,370 for other qualifying Bonus projects.  There are also several changes in this year’s competition, including new options for Renewal Project applicants seeking to transition, expand, or consolidate their grants. You must read the full NOFA for details.

Please follow the links, below, for more details, including links to the NOFA announcement, HUD websites, important documents, and information specific to the Maine Continuum of Care application process.  More information will be posted in the coming weeks, but if you intend to submit a New or Renewal Project Application, do not delay – start now!


