The Maine Continuum of Care is encouraging all homeless service providers working with school aged children to become informed about the educational rights of students guaranteed under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. 

Attached are two informational flyers you can post in your program to educate your staff and the clients you serve about the educational rights of children that are homeless.  Also attached is a document that was created by the Maine COC to provide a standardized form for agencies to put in client files to document you have provided your clients with this information.

Educational Link Form

Right click on the image below to open the informational flyers in Windows Photo Viewer .

Mckinney Vento Education Act

Shelley Reed is no longer the state coordinator.  If you have more questions you can contact:

 Jacinda Goodwin
Truancy, Dropout, Alternative Education and McKinney-Vento State Coordinator
Maine Department of Education