HUD has published additional resources to assist communities with preparation for the 2017 Point-in-Time (PIT) count. These tools are optional but they are designed to provide insight and tools to help communities to conduct the most accurate count possible.
New Resources
Preparing for your 2017 HIC and PIT Count Webinar: On November 10, 2016, HUD presented a webinar about the 2017 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and PIT count requirements. This resource provides a recording and transcript of that webinar.
Model PIT Count Surveys for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: In order to help communities better collect data on youth experiencing homelessness during the PIT count, HUD published model surveys. These surveys reflect the input of leading survey and homeless methodology experts. In addition to meeting HUD’s required elements, the model surveys contain additional optional questions that many communities have used to learn more about their youth population. HUD is currently updating its other model surveys and will publish them as soon as they are available.
Housing and School Partnership on the January 2017 Point-In-Time Count: The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) published a fact sheet, addressed towards a school audience, that suggests strategies to help schools ensure the most comprehensive and effective count of youth experiencing homelessness during HUD’s PIT count.
SNAPS Update
This week, Michael Roanhouse will be retiring from HUD. Michael has been a critical participant in shaping HUD’s homeless assistance programs. The evolution of the PIT count has been due in large part to the vision of Michael Roanhouse. We pay tribute to his inspiring example and wish him well in retirement.
When HUD published its Notice CPD-16-060: 2017 HIC and PIT Data Collection for CoC and ESG Programs (Notice), communities seeking an exception to HUD’s requirement to conduct their count in the last 10 days of January were required to notify Michael Roanhouse. The Notice has been updated to require communities requesting an exception to email William Snow (). For further information about seeking a request for exception to the PIT count date, please refer to the 2017 HIC and PIT Count Notice.