HUD Seeks Public Comments on Newly Published Proposed Regulations to Reduce Barriers to HUD-Assisted Housing

On April 10, 2024, the Proposed Rule on Reducing Barriers to HUD-Assisted Housing was posted to the Federal Register. HUD’s rule proposes that people not be automatically or categorically denied access to or be terminated from HUD-assisted housing, including public housing, Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs), and Multifamily Housing, simply for having a criminal record. Instead, the rule is proposing public housing agencies (PHAs) and owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing be required, when making an admissions decision, to use an individualized assessment that only considered criminal records that are relevant to endangering health and safety of staff and residents, and provide full consideration to mitigating factors and circumstances. The proposed rule would continue to afford discretion to PHAs and assisted housing owners, while providing direction on adopting and implementing fair, effective, and comprehensive admissions, and termination policies. In so doing, the proposed rule would minimize unnecessary exclusions from HUD-assisted housing, while allowing providers to maintain the health, safety, and peaceful enjoyment of their residents, staff, and communities. HUD seeks public comment on this proposed rule and invites all interested parties and members of the public to submit their views, comments, and recommendations for improvement on this proposal. Public comments must be submitted by June 10, 2024. Comments can be submitted electronically on

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