MaineHousing will be holding a series of meetings with interested organizations and individuals throughout the summer. The purpose of the meetings is twofold. 1. We are preparing the 5-year consolidated plan required by HUD in order to continue receiving federal funding, 2. More importantly, given this is MaineHousing’s 50th anniversary, we are asking for input into a more comprehensive State of Housing assessment. Therefore, our consultation process with interested organizations is more extensive than we have had in the past.
To hear from a wide range of interests, we will be scheduling opportunities for discussion in 6 areas:
- homelessness,
- affordability,
- community development,
- low income/special needs consumers,
- protected class members/fair housing, and
- housing quality.
Interested individuals/organizations will be invited to one or more of the discussions; and in some cases, we will have more than one meeting.
At the initial discussions MaineHousing will share needs and market analysis data and listen to input relative to the discussion area. There will be a later opportunity for interested parties to share input on HUD-funded programs and allocations.
Locations/Times of 2020 Consolidated Plan Public Input Sessions on Homelessness:
Lauren Bustard will be facilitating the following sessions for people interested in the area of homelessness:
Region One Homeless Council – Wednesday June 26th from 1-2:00 at 196 Lancaster St. in Portland
Region Two Homeless Council – Friday June 14th from 10-11:00 at MaineHousing in Augusta
Region Three Homeless Council – Wednesday June 12th from 12-1:00 in Bangor (location TBD)
Lauren will also be sending out an email to ‘interested parties’ about the sessions within the next couple of weeks.
She’ll be attending the July meetings of the MCOC and SHC to share our initial thoughts on how we will utilize ESG and FedHOME monies to receive feedback from the groups.