The Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC) is pleased to announce it is now accepting applications for its new Board of Directors. A list of Board Member Responsibilities has been added, below.

As the MCoC begins the process of restructuring its governance structure, new Board members are being recruited. Those interested in serving on the Board may apply by completing a short, five-question, online application at: MCoC Board Members. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2025. 

All complete applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed and considered by the MCoC Board Nominating Committee. Once the final decisions have been made, the Committee will reach out by email to all applicants to inform them of the results.

The MCoC is a group of service providers who work together in a collaborative planning process to develop programs that address homelessness. McKinney-Vento funding, through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), supports these programs, and is provided to Continuums via an application process. Local agencies wishing to access these funds must do so through their Continuum’s annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) application process.

The MCoC covers the entire State of Maine and supports projects throughout the state. Its mission is to plan and coordinate an inclusive system that helps Maine people avoid or exit quickly from homelessness, and to address the underlying causes of homelessness. 

“Our new Board of Directors will play a vital role in improving Maine’s statewide homeless response system. Each Board member will bring important insights and perspectives to the table as they guide both policy and funding decisions to shape a network that will make homelessness rare and brief when it occurs in Maine,” said MCoC Executive Director Dean Klein. “If you are interested in helping solve homelessness in Maine, we encourage you to apply.”  

For More information contact:

Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC) Board of Directors

The MCoC Board acts as the Statewide Leadership, Policy and Governance Board of Directors for the MCoC

Key Responsibilities of the MCoC Board of Directors include but are not limited to:

  • The Board will meet a minimum of 6 times per year (more frequently the 1st year, and as needed to address critical or time sensitive matters). 
  • The Board will hire and evaluate the MCoC Executive Director.
  • The Board will initiate an RFP process for the roles of Collaborative Applicant, HMIS Lead Agency, and Coordinated Entry Operator every 5 years, or as needed.
  • The Board will work with the Executive Director to draft and approve MOU’s for the Collaborative Applicant, HMIS Lead Agency, and Coordinated Entry Operator.
  • The Board will support the Executive Director in the evaluation of the Collaborative Applicant, HMIS Lead Agency, and Coordinated Entry Operator in accordance with the terms of the MOU’s.
  • skills and operational guidance to serve as a strategic partner for the MCoC.
  • The Board will oversee the development and approval of By-Laws for the MCoC.
  • The Board will provide governance, policy and strategic planning guidance to the MCoC.
  • The Board will review and make decisions on policy issues for MCoC Committees.
  • The Board will support and strengthen the MCOC NOFO submission by refining and improving MCoC policies and the monitoring process of MCoC funded projects.
  • The Board will support the optimization of Federal resources to drive effective outcomes for the MCoC, its funded projects, and its partners throughout the State of Maine.
  • The Board will advocates on behalf of the MCoC, persons experiencing homelessness, and the organizations that provide shelter, housing, and services to support them.
  • The Board will work in conjunction with the Executive Director and the Collaborative Applicant to ensure the work of the MCoC is conducted in accordance with best practices, supports MCoC projects, furthers community efforts to prevent and end homelessness, and enhances the lives of individuals served by the MCoC.
  • The Board will support the broadening and inclusive involvement of individuals and organizations as members of the MCoC. 
  • The Board will support the involvement of Persons with Lived Experience of Homelessness and will work to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
    throughout the homeless response system.
  • The Board will establish and support an effective working relationship with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by ensuring the MCoC is in full compliance with all HUD standards and requirements.
