The Maine Continuum of Care Board currently has two seats up for election. One is currently held by Chris Bicknell of New Beginnings. Chris has been re-nominated and is willing to continue to serve if reappointed. The other seat is for a representative of the DV Provider Community. We have not had a DV representative … Continue reading Call for MCOC Board Nominations
MCOC Tri-Chair Election
The Maine Continuum of Care has three Tri-Chairs who are each elected to serve a three year term of office, which typically means we have one seat up for election each year. While we had to hold a couple of 'Special' elections last year to fill unexpected vacancies, this current election is part of our … Continue reading MCOC Tri-Chair Election
2023 MCOC Chair Special Election Information
This is a Special Election Call for VOTES. Please note : This post has been amended to list the Agency of Record for Service Hubs that are eligible to vote in order to avoid 2 votes from Agencies that are Hub Agencies of Record who are otherwise already listed. The Maine Continuum of Care has … Continue reading 2023 MCOC Chair Special Election Information
MCOC seeks Tri-Chair Nominations!
The Maine Continuum of Care has three Tri-Chairs, each elected to serve a three year term on a rotating basis. Typically, this means we have one seat up for election at the end of each year. However, Kate Easter has recently announced that they are stepping down from their Tri-Chair seat. Therefore, MCOC is now … Continue reading MCOC seeks Tri-Chair Nominations!
And the Winner is . . .
Awa Conteh!Awa has been re-elected to another three year term as a Maine Continuum of Care Tri-Chair. Congratulations to Awa, and thank you for your willingness to continue to serve in this important role!While Kate Easter and Erin Kelly did not win this seat, coming in second and third respectively, both of them, along with … Continue reading And the Winner is . . .
MCOC Tri-Chair Elections Update
It had previously been announced that we would be holding the elections for both available Tri-Chair positions at the same time. Upon further reflection, feedback from members, and examination of our governance it has become clear that we need to hold two separate elections, rather than try to conduct them concurrently. The first will be … Continue reading MCOC Tri-Chair Elections Update
MCOC Chair Nomination and Election Information: Now Accepting Nominations! Voting in December!
The Maine Continuum of Care has three Tri-Chairs who are each elected to serve a three year term of office. Typically, this means we have one seat up for election each year, but right now, we have two! Awa Conteh’s term is ending in December, so her seat is up for election as part of … Continue reading MCOC Chair Nomination and Election Information: Now Accepting Nominations! Voting in December!